Sample usage

At first let’s discuss the simplest possible use case, where you just wish to send an email to a given address and using the given template.

from templated_mail.mail import BaseEmailMessage


This one-liner will do all of the work required to render proper template blocks and assign the results to proper email pieces. It will also determine appropriate content type (including support for MIME) and send the output message to provided list of email address’.

You might also wish to define your own subclass of templated_mail.mail.BaseEmailMessage to customize a thing or two. What might be most interesting for you is the get_context_data method, which returns context used during template rendering.

class MyEmailMessage(BaseEmailMessage):
    def get_context_data(self):
        context = super(MyEmailMessage, self).get_context_data()
        context['foo'] = 'bar'
        return context

You might also provide custom context data using the context parameter.

from templated_mail.mail import BaseEmailMessage

BaseEmailMessage(context={'foo': 'bar'}, template_name='email.html').send(to=['foo@bar.tld'])

In other cases you might notice that some of your emails use common template_name and so to save some space you might wish to override the base class’ attribute.

class MyEmailMessage(BaseEmailMessage):
    template_name = 'email.html'